Conversation with Mark Mclain. Accidental entrepreneurship, best advice, and building organizations that don’t suck

Conversation with Mark Mclain. Accidental entrepreneurship, best advice, and building organizations that don’t suck

In this episode, I sit down with CEO and Co-Founder of SailPoint Technologies Mark McClain. Now I wouldn't necessarily say that Mark and I are besties, ( Although he does have a t-shirt with my face on it…kidding..or am I?)  but over the course of my career at SailPoint I was fortunate enough to forge a relationship with him that led to many conversations, jokes, and just an all-around good time. He’s a genuine person and loves to laugh and along the way drop an occasional gem or two. We catch up and talk about his path as an entrepreneur and the principles behind his success. Of course, we talk about his venture into being an author, and his favorite Navigate moments. ( Navigate is the SailPoint annual conference). All in all a good conversation, with some notable gems dropped. Enjoy!

3:45 - The Entrepreneurship start

9:38 - The ups and downs of entrepreneurship

22:40 - Values then the vision

33:33 - The best piece of advice

30:55 - Favorite Navigate moment.

David Lee

David Lee

Atlanta, GA
Identity Jedi, financial professional, and aspiring mogul. David lives to enlighten and help all those around him. Additionally he's pretty funny too, sometimes.


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